Fighting the good fight?

I first discovered my infestation last November, although I am certain they were in my home for at least two months before realizing what was biting me. I had seven pestacide treatments from three different companies (the first three from an incompetent company). I...

Bed Bug Forum Portland Oregon

In August (last month) Portland Public Health Vector Control hosted a forum on Bed Bugs.  As I have been in contact (sending links/articles/rants) with Public Health throughout my ordeal, I was contacted and asked to speak at the forum as a former “victim”...

All clear with chemical treatment

It’s been since May that I’ve seen any sign or bites. The little house has been given the all clear by two species, a human and a dog from Sprague. The craziness lingers but subsides progressively, and by that I mean the crawly feelings, bitey feelings and...

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