Bed Bugs on NPR

Bed Bugs “On the Media” Bugging Out New York Times reporter David Segal says stories about bedbugs generally follow a hyperbolic pattern: They’re back. They’re everywhere. They suck your blood and ruin your life. Segal talks about the hysterical coverage...

The No Lint Society (or Lint with Legs)

This weeks Pop Quiz: Which of these kills bed bugs on contact? The correct answer is 90% or better Alcohol. Heat at 120+ will kill adults to eggs, but not instantly. In a dryer wet clothes take longer to heat up. Recommendations from PCO’s in the know, say 1...

Bed Bugs on the Today Show

It’s gross, but it helps us all suffering from Bed Bugs when more people are aware of them. It helps with quicker identification, and hopefully, quicker reaction. (really, the commercial at the...

Imagine sleeping six hours a night!

First, if you were considering going crazy because of bed bugs, you’re going to need your mind to get rid of them. It’s the best tool you’ve got. The quicker you act, the less you will react, and believe me…really, I understand what you are...

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