Bed Bugs Northwest was mentioned in today’s issue of the PSU Vanguard as a reference for more information on bed bug treatment and preparation.

If you are living in student housing affected by bed bugs, use caution when using shared furniture in common areas such as libraries, coffee shops, and common lounge areas. Besides being able to move from unit to unit via baseboard cracks, vents and electrical outlets, bed bugs hitch-hike from one person to another via clothes and backpacks.

Common areas shared with other residents should be inspected by a bed bug sniffing dog. If bed bugs are detected, residents may be able to demand that all common areas of the building are treated, and that bed bugs may be entering units from a common area. Landlords are responsible for “effective” pest eradication. In multi-tenant housing, the building should be treated systematically from the top floor down.

read the entire article here.

Pest Plaza

Bedbugs infest popular off-campus housing

By Carrie Johnston


photo credit: Adam Wickham/Portland State Vanguard

Park Plaza

Student residents of the Park Plaza are dealing with a rampant bedbug infestation and have contacted Student Legal and Mediation Services for help. ….read the entire article here.

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