When you are sleep-deprived, stressed out, and trying to make decisions about how you are going to get rid of those #!&*! bed bugs, it’s easy to make bad choices that can extend the infestation, or make us sick. The video below really shows us what NOT to do if you have bed bugs.
This video goes over every one of the mistakes, misconceptions, and misguided actions someone with bed bugs might make.
Have made, actually. I read it all the time, in fact, I watched a youtube video of a very genuine fellow giving advice. He was doing great until he advised you to take your mattress outside and spray it with insecticide. That’s when I had to stop watching and wished that no one would ever do as he suggests.
Here is part of the lengthy warning of a product labeled and commonly used to kill bed bugs. Read this small section below and ask yourself if anyone should spray this on their mattress, and then sleep on it, again, ever? NO!!

Always check if the pesticide label includes Bed Bugs.

I know it’s the internet and people “should” fact check everything, and they don’t and that’s ok because it’s a big place, the internet. When you have bed bugs you may be temporarily not thinking very clearly because you are exhausted and freaked out.
It might be easy for a desperate, sleep-deprived person to make choices that make the entire bed bug infestation that much worse, by poisoning yourself, or your family and wasting precious time and money on solutions that don’t really work.
Misuse of pesticides frequently results in short and sometimes long-term health problems!
“The most frequently reported health outcomes were neurologic symptoms (40%), including headache and dizziness; respiratory symptoms (40%), including upper respiratory tract pain and irritation and dyspnea; and gastrointestinal symptoms (33%), including nausea and vomiting.”
…Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR)
If you are going to treat your room or home yourself using D.I.Y. products, buy from a source that deals exclusively with bed bugs. They can advise and recommend products that work and act as part of your Team Kill Bed Bugs.
Research conducted by the Center for Disease Control (CDC) found that consumers suffering from bed bug infestations who choose to self-treat with pesticides often end up with severe illness and possibly permanent negative health consequences.
Nice article. Another thing to keep in mind is to don’t spend time and resources looking for natural remedies. Among such things I found ineffective were essential oils, alcohol and others (which were highly recommended on the forums). What worked the best? Steam and heat in pair with chemicals (these should be swapped with time as bugs are getting used to it if you haven’t killed the whole nest the last time). Stay safe.