What NOT to do if you have bed bugs
When you are sleep-deprived, stressed out, and trying to make decisions about how you are going to get rid of those #!&*! bed bugs, it’s easy to make bad choices that can extend the infestation, or make us sick. The video below really shows us what NOT to do...
Questions to ask a pest control company before you sign the contract
Selecting the right pest company to treat your bed bug infestation is the most important decision you’ll make. Use this list of questions.
Do bed bugs prefer one person over another in the same bed?
Do bed bugs bite more women or men? While not scientific, it seems (from many blog posts and comments) that women “seem” to get more bites than men – sometimes ALL THE BITES. This is unscientific but taken from numerous forums where this is shared by people dealing...
How Fast do Bedbugs Reproduce
One of the important factors in fighting your infestation is understanding how fast bedbugs reproduce. This infographic illustrates how quickly an infestation can grow over a period of only four weeks.

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